Training a custom MaskRCNN model

3 minute read

Code available here This implementation of Mask R-CNN on Python 3, Keras and Tensorflow is a simplified version of the matterport Mask_RCNN implementation. This implementation allows the user to train and test on custom datasets, by following some basic and specific dataset structuring.

The training “” and testing “” script has cues from the matterport Mask R-CNN with some custom changes to allow easy structuring of dataset and the ability to train on custom multiclass datasets.

Please read through the following steps carefully to go about successfully training and testing Mask R-CNN on a custom annotated dataset.

Step by Step guide to training a custom Mask R-CNN

To train on a custom dataset without making any changes to the code, implement the following steps as it is.

0. Cloning the repository

Clone the repository onto your local machine using

  git clone

1. Dividing the dataset into training and validation set

  • Put the training set in the “TrainingImages/train” folder
  • Put the validation set in this “TrainingImages/val” folder

2. Annotating the dataset

  • For annotating the dataset, we use via 1.0.6 - download the tool using this link
  • Load the images from the “TrainingImages/train” folder onto the tool and select the polygon tool to mark regions for annotation


  • After marking regions of different classes on the images, select the Region Attributes tab and create a column with the name as Class and give a class-name of your choice to each object in the column


  • Once region annotations have been made for all the images, download the annotation in form of a JSON file and name the file ‘RegionJson.json’


  • Save the ‘RegionJson.json’ into the training set folder.
  • Repeat the above procedure for the validation set and save its ‘RegionJson.json’ into the “TrainingImages/val” folder.

3. Training

This implementation uses transfer-learning to train a new model. One can either use the pre-trained MS-COCO dataset weights or weights saved from a previous training. This also allows the user to continue training a dataset for more epochs if the user is not satisfied with the results.

  • Download the matterport pre-trained MS-COCO weights from this link
  • Save these weights into the main repository folder.
  • In the “” script edit the variable named CLASSES to a list of the class names of the classes used for annotating the training set and the test step
  • Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run from command line as such(recommended python 3.6.5) -

    To train a new model starting from pre-trained COCO weights

    python coco

    To continue training a model trained earlier

    python last
  • Once trained we can find the weights of each subsequent epoch in the ‘logs’ folder

Testing/Inference from trained weights

For testing we can either use the pre-trained MS-COCO weights, weights from the last training session saved in the ‘logs’ folder or custom trained weights.

To avoid making any changes in the code follow through the following steps as it is.

  • Make sure that the custom trained weights and the MS-COCO weights are saved in the main repository folder.
  • Rename the custom weights to ‘trainedweights.h5’
  • (Skip this step if using MS-COCO weights for testing) In the “” script edit the variable named CLASSES to a list of the class names of the classes used for training custom trained weights or in the last training.
  • Put all the images to test in the “TestImages/Images” folder
  • Run from command line as such(recommended python 3.6.5) -

    Using trained coco weights for inference

    python coco

    Using the last saved weights by for inference

    python last

    Using custom trained weights for inference

    python custom
  • Once processed the inferred images are found in the folder “TestImages/InferredImages”
